Sunday, December 26, 2010

January H2O

It's nearly 2011, a New Year and a new attitude is required! I am looking forward to setting new monthly challenges and January's challenge has already been set!

Challenge number one! The challenge for the month of January is to drink nothing but water! This idea came about after a conversation with my workmates. I returned from a few days off and they informed me of this challenge. But they also said that they didn't expect anyone to complete it successfully. But I plan to prove them wrong!

December was a disaster in regards to eating and drinking the wrong foods. The fact that there were multiple Christmas parties to attend is no excuse. Exercise took a back seat as I spent days recovering from one big night out after another.

No alcohol, no coffee, no soda's, just water! I do believe that my work colleagues will have a harder time with this challenge than I will as most of them consume at least 3 x cans of Coke or Diet Coke throughout the day!

I don't drink soda's at all so that's not going to be a problem. BUT I am a coffee addict. I LOVE my coffee in the morning. And I also love a latte mid morning when at work.

I know I will feel better after the initial shock of weaning myself of coffee. I gave up coffee a few years ago (I drank 7 - 8 cups a day then) I experienced the worst headaches for about a week then felt great. Why did I start drinking coffee again? I'm not really sure, but I do really enjoy it! At this stage I drink 2 x cups per day, sometimes 3 - 4 cups per day. Each day is different.

Alcohol may be a problem. My fella and I like nothing more than to go out for dinner and share a bottle of wine on our days off........

I already drink a lot of water so the taste of H2O is no problem for me. Does anyone have any suggestions for challenges for the rest of 2011?

I'm looking forward to a healthier, fitter and stronger 2011!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Boosting Energy Levels

What do you do to boost your energy levels? I am the typical stress puppy, things get me down very quickly. Combined with shift work, lack of sleep, a less than average diet (which I am working to improve) that I find myself in a very deep hole at times.

Finding motivation to exercise when I've had a rotten nights sleep and knowing that I need to work a 12 hour night shift is often enough to say "not today".

My energy levels are very low at the moment. I've been eating lots of fruit and vegetables, protein etc. I've actually been sleeping like the dead and waking up feeling like I've had no sleep at all. I've had issues in the past with low iron, so I've even started taking iron supplements again as well as my daily Berocca.

I really think that I've reached the end of my shift work quota. I've been working shift work for 16 years and I'm so sick of it! Plus I haven't had a real holiday for almost a year, you know, the one where you can sit and do absolutely NOTHING for a week and not feel guilty!

I've been exercising regularly on my days off, weight training, long walks, interval training and even a bicycle ride. And I'm suffering such terrible aches and pains which is unusual for me.

Does anyone have any hints on boosting energy levels?

The Benefits Of Yoga

I'd forgotten how much I enjoyed Yoga. I'd practiced it off and on for many years but really haven't practiced much for the last couple of years.

Lo and behold, I hurt my back, yet again! I'd been working out quite happily in the gym, squats, dead lifts, lunges etc with no problems. The after workout pain was that good pain you get, you know, when you can feel you've had a good workout and can enjoy those benefits coursing through your muscles?

I'd done all the right things, not lifted too heavy, ensured I warmed up and cooled down, had a rest day in between.....

Then, 3 days ago, as I bent down to look in the fridge, BAM! I ended up on the floor in agony! FFS! Beats me what I did, but the last 3 days have been a nightmare. The day after I ended up in pain I thought, hmmm gentle exercise is the way to go, so went for a walk. A walk that should have normally taken me 10 minutes (to the local supermarket) took me 45 minutes! I was crying when I got there! So I waved down a taxi to take me home! (I am sooo ashamed)

My usual 5 minute walk to work this morning took me 15 minutes! So when I got home I dug out my Yoga Mat and took it out onto the terrace and performed the basic Sun Salutation. I could not do the Upward Facing Dog without pain so the Low Cobra did the trick!! I had absolutely no problem with any of the other moves and was pleasantly surprised at my flexibility. I'm not as flexible as I once was but am still above the average.

Needless to say, Yoga is going to become a regular in my fitness routine...... I miss it, I love it and I think I need it!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Eureka Stair Climb

As  I stated in my last blog I planned to take part in the Eureka Stair Climb but a sore back put an end to that. Instead I offered to work as a volunteer on the day.

That day was today. I helped out by handing out show bags to competitors at the end of their climb. I was then offered a chance to see inside the stairwells but at a price..... that price was to clean the stairwells of rubbish left behind by competitors.

I figured, I'm there to offer my services, at least I can say I've completed the climb! I'm feeling pretty fit, but 88 floors seemed kinda daunting. But I did it! After reaching the 88th floor, we were then taken up to the roof on the 92nd floor for a treat!

So I can safely say I have climbed 92 floors at Eureka Tower! I didn't throw up (someone else left their breakfast in the stairwell though) I'm not injured, and I now know that I am more than capable so there are NO excuses for next years event!


Thursday, October 28, 2010

Staying Positive When The Going Gets Tough......

It seems that this past 2 years have been a challenging and depressing time for me, both health and fitness wise. If I'm not ill, I'm injured. I'll go a few weeks and start gaining fitness only for another obstacle to jump up in my field of vision! As a result, I've gained weight and feel terrible :(

So how do I continue when I have to put up with these obstacles? With great difficulty, let me tell you. Finding a goal and sticking with it is particularly hard during these times. I always start off so well, Gung Ho, enjoying every moment then BAM! I'm back at square one. I often think "I'm not getting any younger" (42 years of wear and tear thank you very much) but then I think "That's just a BULLSHIT excuse!" I might have a bit of a sook (and I often do, I'm a very emotional person) But I tend to pick myself up and find another way around that nasty obstacle!

Maybe I can't go to the gym because of an injured back, maybe I can't run because I have sore knees, maybe I can't do those pushups because of a previous wrist injury. Whatever... I will always find ways to improvise.

I had plans to take part in the Eureka Stair Climb this year, sadly with my sore back that's not likely. Instead I have decided to volunteer on the day. It's not something I've ever done before, I'm usually that person who is taking part. So this will be the first time I've actually volunteered at an event and I am really looking forward to it! I figure if I enjoy it I'll do more of it (only if I'm not able to take part of course!)

One thing I do have to look forward to is moving house. Not the moving part of course. My fella and I will be moving into a bigger apartment in the same building. (No removalists, up and down the lift, so much easier) The new apartment has a massive terrace. I'm already planning how to use the space. Besides building a small herb and vege garden, I plan to utilise the space for jumping rope, short sprints, etc. As well as enjoying being outdoors and getting more air time than I do in our current apartment.

I'm also trying to convince him that we NEED a BBQ!

How To Alleviate Back Pain

Wouldn't you know it? Once again I find myself in a dilemma. Just over a week ago I hurt my back. In the past I have always gone to Physiotherapists, Chiropractors, Doctors and even Massage Therapists to alleviate the pain. NO MORE I say! It proves to be far to expensive (an expense I can ill afford) and depletes my Private Hospital entitlements!

I have suffered from lower back pain for many years. One Doctor suggested I had a Herniated Disc, others suggested Piriformis Syndrome which in turn causes Sciatica pain. So I have been treated for all. The pain can be incredible at times, from sharp pains to nagging pain in the buttock and leg. It can be experienced as leg numbness, tingling like pins and needles or sharp pains when sitting or standing in one spot for too long (generally 30 seconds or more), it's basically a constant pain on one side.  It doesn't even subside when trying to sleep! Annoying!

Anyway, instead of going to the Docs or Physio I decided to to try a combination of exercises to see if I can gain any relief or improvement. So far so good! But if the pain persists in another week (it's improved in this past week already) I will definitely seek an expert opinion.

Meanwhile these are the exercises I have found to provide me with some relief:

- Lots of walking. I've been making a conscious point of exceeding my 10,000 steps per day when I can. Sadly I can't run without pain at the moment or go to the gym, so I've been enjoying the nice weather and walking to the beach, around the Botanic Gardens and along the Yarra.....

- Hamstring Stretches. I only do these when laying on my back. This means my back is supported and I'm not doing any further damage by twisting. I must say, I've noticed how tight my hammies became when I hurt my back!

- Prone Back Extension. Laying on your stomach and propped up on your elbows. Slowly straighten the elbows to feel a nice stretch. This one is a favourite of mine, having done it since my gymnastic days. And it feels sooo good!

- Lying Piriformis Stretch. Another one that feels really good, stretching out the buttocks. Laying on your back, rest the right ankle across the left knee. Slowly pull the left leg towards yourself holding for 20 to 30 seconds. Repeat on the other side. This one is a great stretch for the Piriformis and Gluteal muscles.

Anyway, so far so good. The pain is still there but has been downgraded to a dull ache. Mind you, I am so much better after a few days away from the work computer (now I need to find a way to avoid my home computer!)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

How Do You Beat Your Cravings?

Well, I am finally back into the rhythm of working out and exercising almost daily. The only obstacle I have now is FOOD!

My eating habits leave a lot to be desired. They were pretty good until I fell ill. During my illness I basically ate anything I could tolerate, and most of the time it was comfort food, not clean eating as I had been doing. Needless to say, the other week whilst being weighed at the Blood Bank I discovered I had put on 5 KILO'S!!! Not happy!

Now I have the problem where I am constantly craving bad foods. My fella and I do like to go out for dinner a couple of times a week, that's our time for us (Date night so to speak) so I try to be somewhat sensible on those days. But the remainder of the week is so hard!

I'm a shift worker, so eating at regular intervals when on night shift is not something I usually think too hard about. I am in the habit of taking healthy meals and snacks to work, but they often get left in the lunch box in favour of all the naughty snacks my workmates bring in! And, let me tell you, at 4 am I am NOT craving healthy foods!

So, what do you do to beat cravings? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sandbag Workouts

I've recently discovered Sandbag workouts. To be honest, these workouts are the kind of thing I was doing when still living with my parents. I was busily lugging around bags of chaff and hay bales (my folks own a horse farm) and damn, let me tell you, that is a great workout all on its own. Sandbags are a similar concept......... They have a very uneven distribution of weight.....

My nearest beach is Port Melbourne, but I plan to head down to Sandringham/Black Rock where the sand is a tad cleaner than Port Melbourne/St Kilda. I will take a sieve and get me some sand, package it up in some plastic zip lock bags (double bagged of course) duck/duct tape the bags and use them in a bag bought from Aussie Disposals. That's the plan at least!

I'll use these bags for my workouts, a combination of stair running (I live in a rather tall apartment building, I plan to use the emergency stairwell) , squats, lunges etc......

I'll let you know how it all goes!


How Much Water Is Enough?

I'm a big water drinker. I don't drink soda's (Coke, Sprite etc) unless it's as a mixer with Vodka (which I probably drink too much of as it is..... call me crazy, but I love to have my vodka on hand at the end of a hard working week). Generally I drink Water, Coffee and Peppermint Tea and that's about it!

But how much water is enough? Some report 2 litres, some say 3 litres. I know that it is possible to drink too much water. Drinking too much water can cause a condition known as Hyponatremia. This is an extremely dangerous condition. Basically, too much water can alter your Salt balances.

If water is accumulated in the body at a higher instance than it can be excreted, Hyponatremia can occur. Generally you will find athletes who consume too much fluids during an event can be affected by this. (ie marathon runners)

Symptoms include nausea, vomiting and headaches. Also fatigue, muscle weakness, cramps and most seriously, coma.

So how much water is too much? The medical field recommends 2 - 2.5 litres per day. I used to drink 3 - 3.5 litres per day until my doctor suggested I ease off! I now aim for 2 - 2.5 litres per day.

And another thing. There is really no need to buy bottled water. Australia has the cleanest water in the world. Fill a reusable bottle straight from the tap! And don't use a plastic bottle you've used in the past. Buy a reusable bottle that can be washed properly with hot water.

I remember as a kid, we used to drink water straight from the garden taps! Do people even do that anymore or have we become paranoid of poisoning etc? Personally, I probably wouldn't help myself to a neighbours tap water anymore, I would rather carry my own bottle or look for a drinking fountain. But sometimes it's a necessity when on a long run etc. Nobody wants to carry a bottle of water out on a long run.

Water is also what I reach for before a snack. Often I find when I feel hungry, I am actually thirsty! A glass of the clean stuff can curb the nasty junk food cravings!

So, I say, go the H2O. It has to be better than that other "Crap" out there!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Learning To Improvise When Injured

There is nothing worse that injury to put a spanner in the works of your workout regime. I've been suffering with a dodgy wrist for months now, so I have had to learn to improvise quite a few exercises.

I broke my wrist quite severely when I was a teen and I've had problems with it off and on over the years. Sadly, my job means I am on a computer and joystick much of my 12 hour shift. I have re-learned how to use a mouse with my left hand, but after a 12 hour shift, my wrist still feels so achy and sore, it's frustrating!

Push Ups are absolute agony at times. Putting my wrist in the Push Up position and then putting weight on it really HURTS. I had to buy Push Up handles. But they do the trick.

Basically anything that involves bending my wrist is agonising. Any other exercise seems fine! Kettlebells, weights etc are fine, thankfully. But, damn I miss doing real Push Ups :(

Eventually I will get around to having my wrist looked at, meanwhile I will persevere!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

My Workouts This Week

So, I managed 7 days straight of workouts, not bad for someone as unfit as I am.

Todays workout was as follows:

100 x Skips
5 x Step Ups with 20kg Weight (Left Leg)
100 x Skips
5 x Step Ups with 20kg Weight (Right Leg)
100 x Skips
5 x Pull Ups (Assisted)
100 x Skips
5 x Pull Ups (Assisted)
100 x Skips
10 x Lunges with Kick Up (Left Leg)
100 x Skips
10 Lunges with Kick Up (Right Leg)
100 x Skips
5 x Chin Ups
100 x Skips
5 x Chin Ups
100 x Skips
10 x Crunches
100 x Skips

Total of 1000 Skips (exhausted)
15 - 20 minutes of Weights/Body Weight routine

This is just an example of my workout routine for seven days straight. I had one day off and today is day two of my second week. Skipping is my cardio and I like to skip between sets to keep my heart rate up. This is also why I don't do heavy weights as I would be too exhausted! Needless to say, the Skipping Rope does slap me hard when I get fatigued!

I've still got a long way to go to rid myself of the ugly belly fat I accumulated when ill.


Friday, August 27, 2010

Taking Time Out For Me!

How often do any of us enjoy complete time out for ourselves? I mean, with jobs, career, family, friends, where do we find the time for those little moments that help us to rejuvenate or relax?

I shouldn't talk, I've had plenty of time off recently when I was ill. But what I really needed was sunshine and a chance to really relax. Maybe a couple of cocktails, work on my tan....

Luxury means many things to many people. What does it mean to me? A relaxing massage. Sun, sand, surf. Being able to sleep in without the guilt. Eating my favourite meal (Seafood, Japanese, Mexican, depending on my mood that day) Catching a movie (with popcorn) Enjoying a bottle of wine. Great company, I could go on and on .......

I haven't had a real, relaxing vacation for almost 2 years! To be honest, every winter, all I want to do is run away to the tropics for a few days to rejuvenate. Sadly, finances make it next to impossible to do that.

But, we have booked ourselves a holiday at the end of the year. The weather should have improved by then, I will be by the beach and with my loved one! Some nice, relaxing lunches, dinners out, catching up with friends, sun, sand, no surf though! Sadly, Hawaii (see pic) is currently out of our price range, but I would LOVE to get back there some day!

The countdown has begun! But the question is...... can I wait that long?

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Perfecting the Pistol

One exercise I honestly thought I would be able to do without too much trouble is the Pistol, more commonly described as a One-Legged or Single Leg Squat. When I've seen others do it, they make it look so easy. Just stand on one leg with the other in front of you and parallel to the floor, and squat down! Too easy!

At least I thought it would be easy until I tried it myself! I could only get half way down before my leg would give way and I'd end up on my arse!

The Pistol is an awesome way to test your strength and balance.

I became determined to master the Pistol so began looking for ways to improve. Keeping my leg out in front seemed to make it so much harder ........

Until I realised, keeping my other leg at a lower angle seemed to make it a touch easier to perform this movement and to perfect it.

I began by standing on a weights bench at a Smith Machine. I had the bar at waist level so that I could use it for balance and also if I need assistance standing back up. Then with my leg hanging naturally beside me I attempted the Pistol.

Yay, I managed it! Five on each leg. And yeah, my butt hurt for days! After a couple of weeks I find I am able to get lower in the squat and hopefully will soon be able to attempt it on the ground without help.

I can certainly feel it in my butt!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

My Own Home Gym

I've never been a fan of gyms. Not because I am lazy, but because they are full of people.... Call me anti-social, but I like to do my workouts without an audience. I don't like people looking at me and judging me. Sure, if I need some tips about technique I will seek out the help I need.

I am a member of a gym, and I go rarely, but generally when I want to try something new and need some advice. Thankfully my gym membership costs next to nothing and it's within my place of work. It's there if I need it.

I prefer to exercise in the comfort and privacy of my own home. To do this I need some equipment. The items I keep at all times are:

Skipping Rope - difficult to use on carpet though
Kettlebell - 8kg, named Brutus (yes, he can be brutal)
Push Up Handles - I have a dodgy wrist and hands on the floor often hurt
Medicine Ball - Great for crunches
Yoga Mat - I love my yoga and stretches
Gymboss Timer - Great for timing my intervals
Pull Up Bar - Sadly it damaged the door frame so I had to take it down. So I am in the market for a new one.

And you don't need to pay a fortune for any of this equipment. It's cheaper to buy items you will use, than to join a gym you may never go to. Especially considering how expensive a gym membership can be these days. I got a lot of my stuff on eBay.

Working out at home is preferable for me. I don't have to plan it. I can do it RIGHT NOW! As long as you've got the room and the motivation, a home workout is the way to go!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Starting From Scratch! Yet Again.......

Ok, here I am, willing and raring to go!

It's been weeks since I've done anything physical due to illness. There were times when I thought I was recovering and started working out, only to have a relapse and find myself back in bed feeling very sorry for myself.

This time, I took more time to recover after finishing my medication and I feel so much better for it. The cough is almost gone (I still have the occasional nasty attack) My energy levels are getting up there again, I'm ready to make a start!

I have to say though, that I am a bit scared of having another relapse, but I think if I take it easy to start with, I should be ok. The problem is, I'm not one to take things easy. Sure, I can be lazy at times, but when I set my mind to something, I take it on 200%, which has often been my downfall. Injury and illness usually the main factors.

So today I started. I'm between shifts (tonight on night shift) so had a fair bit of time to kill. I had a good nights sleep and I also knew that being a weekday, there should be no one in the gym down stairs. The gym here is tiny. It has effective equipment but not a lot of room! Any more than one person in there and you are banging elbows!

I didn't really use the equipment, but I did use my skipping rope. The carpet in the apartment makes using a skipping rope next to impossible. So I did a Tabata style workout with skipping between each exercise and I was pretty buggered at the end.

But so far, I'm feeling great, I have more energy and feel better for having done some physical activity. Here's hoping things will continue in the same way......

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Finally, Coming Out The Other Side.....

I finally feel like I've made some progress in getting well. I have been sick for about 3 months and this time off from my fitness regime has really taken its toll! I have taken far too many days off work, in fact I've used up all my sick leave and even had to dip into my Annual Leave. This is not good as I didn't have too much of that available either :(

I've been on four rounds of antibiotics, I've suffered from allergic reactions, kidney infection and loss of appetite. My last dosage of my current antibiotics is today, thank god coz this round made everything taste like crap! And gave me horrible tummy ache.

I'm still coughing up a lung but at least I never suffered from a sore throat. But the loss of energy and motivation is a huge factor. How do I get back into it? Where do I start without having some kind of relapse?

Just the thought of walking to the corner shop makes me break out into a cold sweat. For the past few weeks I've been having to go back to bed in the afternoons for a nana nap. I never expected to feel that weak!

So I am finally having some happy thoughts. Even though I also took today off work, I think I have finally come out the other side. I am feeling a little more energised and even found the motivation to shave my legs :)

My poor fella has seen the absolute worst of me and I am so thankful that he has been there every step of the way with Vix in hand, and a box of tissues and a hug for my weepy moments. He is the BEST!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Back Into It, But Still Needing Motivation..... Help Me!

So I figured the only way I can be accountable for my workouts is to Blog about them. I may not blog on a daily basis but I will attempt to Blog about each workout every few days!

As you may realise, I've been ill for a significant amount of time. I HATE being sick, it SHITS me no end...... Yes, I feel like crap, but I really hate that I have no energy.... I find myself eating crap and just can't get motivated to get back into the fitness thing!

So I made a start a few days back and I felt that I should document it, more for myself really..... But I welcome your comments!

Day 1 Fri 18th
Brutus Workout....

Brutus is my Kettlebell, who I do love and hate at the same time! I did a Tabata style workout with Brutus. 20 seconds intensity followed by 10 seconds of rest for 5 minutes. This was about all I could handle.....

1. Kettlebell Swings
2. Squat with One Arm Press (Left Arm)
3. Squat with One Arm Press (Right Arm)
4. Kettlebell Swings
5. Lunge (Left Leg)
6. Lunge (Right Leg)
7. Left Arm Kettlebell Swings
8. Right Arm Kettlebell Swings
9. Kettlebell Crunches with Overhead
10.Kettlebell Swings.

I gotta say, I was in a sweat at the end of all this...... and had a bit of trouble walking the next day!

Day 2, Sat 19th
Jogged to the Post Office and Back. Just a gentle jog, but still managed to get a sweat up. Felt great. The went back to bed to prepare for my next 2 night shits!

Day 3, Sun 20th was a rest day as I'd done a 12 hour shift (night shift) followed by another 12 hour night shift.......

Day 4, Mon 21st
Another Tabata workout incorporating skipping rope with other body weight workouts! 20 seconds high intensity with 10 seconds rest.

Round 1 (5 Minutes)
Jump Rope
Push Ups/Reverse Pushups

Round 2 (5 Minutes)
Jump Rope
Single Leg Squats with Jump Up (Alternating Legs)

Round 3 (5 Minutes)
Jump Rope
Side Tricep Raise (Alternating Sides)

Day 5 Tues 22nd
Tabata workout incorporating Jumping rope and Body Weight Workouts.....

Round 1 (5 Minutes)
Jump Rope
Lunge with 5kg weight (Alternating Sides)

Round 2 (5 Minutes)
Jump Rope
Side Raises (Alternating Sides)

Round 3
Jump Rope
Crunches or Plank

So far, so good. I still need some motivation. Thankfully my fella came to the gym with me the last two days. Just the motivation I needed was someone to give me a kick up the butt to get me out there!

Motivation: Where Do You Find Yours?

If you've been keeping up to date with my Blogs you might realise that I've been ill for about 2 months! Needless to say I've not exercised for that amount of time.

I'm now actually feeling ok. I've started working out again, but, let me tell you, finding the motivation to get back on that bandwagon has been particularly difficult.

I blame a number of reasons:

I HATE Winter like you could never even understand. I have never been a cold weather person. Then I worked on the cruise ships for 4 years, followed by living in the Caribbean for 2 more years. So needless to say, I lived in the tropics for 6 years and loved every damn well moment of it and miss it like you cannot possibly understand; unless you've lived a similar lifestyle!

My motivation is sunshine and heat....... How about you?

Plus my motivation right now is seeing that I can no longer fit into my jeans or my work clothes and that depresses me! I have seriously wanted to workout but as I've been ill I've simply had no energy, felt like shit (excuse the language) and all I've wanted to do is sleep!

I wanted to go to the Post Office the other day and decided I would walk it. More exercise than I've done in ages. In actual fact, I jogged most of the way there and most of the way back. There was no coughing/vomiting, so I took that as a step forward! I felt amazing!

Yesterday was my first real day of working out. I am a HUGE fan of the website I've been following Zuzana and Frederick for more than 6 months now. I was pleasantly surprised with the results I was getting. Then, of course I got sick!

So, I am now back into it! Mind you, I will "try" and take it slowly. Those of you who know me will know that I don't do things by halves....... so I am trying to ease myself in slowly.......

Monday, June 14, 2010

Starting From Scratch

I've been ill for far too long. I have zero energy and every time my heart rate increases I have a nasty attack of the coughs to the point of throwing up! Not nice to hear, I know.

I am literally climbing the walls! As much as I can be as lazy as the next person when it comes to my health and fitness, I know that I always feel better after a workout, whether it be a jog, jumping rope or a body weight workout. Without my workouts, I get severely grumpy. Can you even imagine what I've been like to live with the last few weeks?

So I decided TODAY I was going to get back into it. I am starting to feel better physically. My clothes have gotten considerably tighter in the last six weeks, I know I HAVE to start working out again and taking care of my diet.

I was up early, I had things to do! First off some coffee, then a workout. Sadly it didn't turn out as expected :(

My coffee gave me the kick start I needed, as I was getting changed into my workout clothes and eying off "Brutus" (my kettlebell) I had another coughing attack. Now let me tell you, these are no normal coughing attacks, these ones leave me on my knees from practically passing out. I feel like I'm suffocating. They are so severe that I usually end up vomiting!

My stomach muscles are always sore, sometimes I think it's hunger pains but really, it feels like I've done about a million crunches! Painful.

So needless to say, the rest of the day has been spent feeling weak and sorry for myself (again)

Maybe tomorrow ......

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Getting Back Into It After Illness

I've been sick with a chest infection for almost 3 weeks now. I finally went to the Doctor yesterday and he basically said "rest, NO exercise and lots of sleep". Duh!

In the lead up to getting sick I rarely went a night without waking up multiple times. I wasn't sleeping much more than 3 hours most nights. I was exhausted and very grumpy! Since being sick I've been sleeping day and night. Maybe my body is trying to catch up. The only problem was that I would wake myself up with my coughing, often very painful coughing. The kind where I could not take a breath between. Ugh!

As I haven't done a workout in so long I am feeling really crap. I can't wait to get back into it but how do I do that without overdoing it? I've never been someone who can take it easy when working out, probably why I often injure myself.

I suppose the only thing I can do is start off with some yoga, stretching and so forth until I feel stronger. God knows how long that will take. :(

Friday, May 14, 2010

Sugar: Is It Really The Enemy?

In a word, YES. Sugar is the enemy. Sugar is the enemy to my health and also to yours!

The reason for this? Sugar increases our blood sugar levels rapidly. This causes the hormone Insulin to be released which then lowers the blood sugar again. The rise and fall of our blood sugar levels cause us to experience mood swings, cravings and is also responsible for our energy levels.

Excessive sugar can ruin your health in a number of ways:

Sugar suppresses your immune system, it contributes to obesity, it can cause headaches and migraines, it can also cause high blood pressure in obese people, and the list goes on!

To make things even more complicated, sugar is not always listed as "Sugar" on food labels. It seems that people these days require a Chemistry Degree to decipher the wording on food labels. Sugar can be listed as any of the following:

Sucrose, Glucose, Fructose, Dextrose, Mannitol, Xylitol, Corn Sweeteners, Corn Syrup, Cane Sugar, Beet Sugar, Fruit Juice Concentrate, Rice Syrup, Molasses, Date Sugar, HFCS, Malt, Maple Syrup and more........

I have learnt that is any of these are listed in the first 3 ingredients of a product, that I should avoid it!

Sugar is a Carbohydrate and carbohydrates are necessary for our bodies to function. But there are better choices of carbohydrates out there. For example, choose complex carbs such as Oats, Sweet Potato, Brown Rice rather than simple carbs like Honey, Sugar and Dried Fruit.

Some carbohydrates raise our blood sugar faster (high Glycemic Index, also known as GI) than others (low Glycemic Index), so choose low GI (ie sweet potato) over high GI carbohydrates (white potato) where possible.

I can understand why society these days is plagued with obesity problems. There are so many fast food options out there. Plus, many of these fast food places claim to have "healthier options". This I don't believe, most of these so called healthier options may have taken out the excess fat but have replaced this with loads of added sugar, whether it be in the dressings or the processed meat!

Sugar is like a drug, people can't say no. When they do try to wean themselves off the sugar they suffer withdrawal symptoms such as headaches, moodiness and irritability. So, of course what is the first thing they do? They reach for a can of Coke or bar of Chocolate!

Trust me, I've been there. I am still there. But I am trying to cut down on my sugar intake. I don't drink soft drinks/sodas (unless it's a mixer with alcohol, another thing I am trying to cut down on) I love chocolate but try to keep it to a minimum. So it's a daily struggle for me too!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

How Do You Help Someone who Doesn't Want To Be Helped?

I have a wonderful girlfirend who I love to bits. Sadly, I rarely see her these days as she lives in my home town and I now live in the city.

She has been a very, very close friend for many years, since High School. (that's about 27 years!)

She is someone I love and respect, but she is not the same person I was drawn to as the new kid in school. I'll call her "Smiley". Smiley was the girl everyone loved. She was the person that you couldn't help but to be drawn to, like a moth to the flame! She ALWAYS had a smile on her face, she knew EVERYONE! And everyone loved her! And I'm sure they still do, I know I do. But sadly she isn't the same person.

I only see Smiley a couple of times a year. She is so busy with her business, 3 kids, her marriage, and, sadly her personal issues...... Smiley needs my help and I simply am not able to help her! Damn though, I have tried.

Smiley has been suffering for many years from weight gain, depression and illness. She works too hard, looks after a large family and, I'm sure she feels like she gets no thanks from her family...... she totally deserves a lot of hugs and thanks for her hard work.

Sadly though, Smiley has no time to herself. She is often depressed and unable to drag herself out of the huge hole she has dug for herself by being so accessable to everyone and not looking out for number one!

I have tried to help, I've even tried the "tough love" scenario. She hasn't returned my last email, so clearly that didn't work the way I wanted.

We both have a mutual friend who is very successful in the Health and Fitness Industry. Our friend has offered to help her out but sadly, Smiley isn't interested. She claims she has "no time" etc.

I don't believe that there can be "no time" to take care of number one. You only have one body and one life. Treat it as such!

To add to this, Smiley has been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. Surely that would be enough to make the necessary changes to your diet and lifestyle? My brother was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes and since I was made aware I have been a lot more conscious of my health.

I've recently had my Blood Sugar checked (it was borderline, even though I had been very careful for many weeks before the test) My colesterol was not considered worth testing as the last test was excellent!

Being accountable for our own health is entirely up to yourself, NOT someone else. No one can fix your health issues if you're not committed to helping yourself!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Being Accountable For Your Own Health

It would be so easy to blame someone else for all the chocolate and booze I've consumed recently (yes, Sparkles, I blame you!) But ultimately I have no one but myself to blame!

I am struggling with a lack of self control. If I lived alone, I would probably be more accountable, I would have no one to blame. But I now live with my fella, and I find myself in a predicament. I love chocolate, Sparkles loves chocolate, I love to have a drink, as does Sparkles.

I know that eating too much junk, drinking too much and not excercising enough is always going to be my downfall. I am the sort of person that can go days without any exercise but suddenly, I will lose it and get the grumps. And I know I need to go for a run or punch something really hard! Why can't I get into the exercise habit? It will be so much harder now that Winter is nipping at my heels, I HATE the cold and would rather rug up in front of the computer or TV with a Chicken Pie followed by Scones with Jam and Cream for Dessert. Accompanied of course by a Hot Chocolate with Whipped Cream (and perhaps a bit of a Frangelico hot tottie! It is Winter you know, need to keep the bugs at bay :))

Woops, I seem to have lost my train of thought!

Oh yeah, I am well aware that when I have too much "bad" stuff (sugar, fat, takeout, alcohol) I feel like crap. I am less inclined to workout and will start eating crap at work. When I sit for 12 hours on my arse, that is something I cannot afford to do! Arse expansion is not on my list of to do's this year!

Today was exceptionally bad. Cold, rainy. I had to go out in thongs! (Still recovering from blisters) My toes froze! So of course, upon our return from Costco we had Ravioli Carbonara (two serves I might add) followed by too much chocolate. This, of course was washed down with some vodka! Sparkles was in bed by 7pm (To his defence, he does need to be up for work at 5am ish) Me? I am still swigging on my Mojito as I write this. I need to finish my supply of booze so I can start with a clean slate!!!

So, the first of the month is my start date. I WILL GET FIT AND HEALTHY..... besides, I will have no more excuses by then. My blisters should have well and truly healed. I should be able to put on those trainers and go for a run without drawing blood!

Sparkles? Can I depend on you for some support? Do you need to buy that filing cabinet to hide the junk food from me? Just be sure to place a strong padlock on it!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Oxfam Trailwalker

So I finally took part in the Oxfam Trailwalker 100km. Sadly, I failed to complete it!

I started out great, full of confidence, felt fit and well. My "Team" leader seemed to just want to go super fast, and I had no trouble keeping up initially. Until 12.5km in. Then the fatigue set in. Honestly, I think if we hadn't started out so fast, I might have had more success.

Our first checkpoint was at Churchill National Park. As we were approaching, all I could think of was a coffee, a stretch, putting on some sunscreen then moving on. I was not expecting to be met at the gate by our "Team" leader ushering us through the checkpoint and insisting on continuing without a break. NOT HAPPY!

So we continued onto the next checkpoint, Lysterfield Lake, where I knew we would have to stop for lunch. Yes, I was a bit slower but still felt I made it in a comfortable time. In fact we had done each leg in a faster time than we had estimated. I should have had a massage at Lysterfield Lake, I was starting to seize up a little, and I'm sure it was from the super fast start! Plus, as I hadn't taped my feet, I had the beginnings of a blister. So I took care of that, had lunch and a stretch and was raring to go!

As we left the checkpoint (21.5km down) I felt that the blister was rubbing something terrible. I had to slow down. Sadly the rest of my "Team" took off and left me, without even a glance back to see what was wrong. I was left walking the next leg (13.3km) completely alone. This is where I realised how important TEAM WORK is! A little support, some encouragement, all of that should be contributed by your "Team".

Numerous other teams passed me, all walking together as a "Team", even if they had injuries or illness. These teams stayed with their slowest walker, didn't desert them at their time of need!

Thankfully one group stopped to help me out and patch me up. Thank you so much Team 34, you are legends! Without your help I would have bailed in the middle of that leg.

I finally shuffled into our next checkpoint, Grants Picnic Ground, in absolute agony! I was more pissed off for being deserted. Yes, I was in pain but I was ready with a tirade of abuse which I kept to myself. I made that next checkpoint within our estimated time though. The rest of my "Team" had been there for more than an hour. I tried calling them, texting them and received no reply. So lack of communication was another thing that my "Team" failed in!

Needless to say, due to the pain, the lack of encouragement and lack of support, I retired after 35km. I am bitterly disappointed that I couldn't continue. I am even more disappointed with the efforts of my "Team" to work together as one!

I would like to attempt the Trailwalk again next year, but I will be better prepared and have a team that consists of people all looking for the same end result! People who are happy to walk together and help each other out! Not people who are taking part for their own selfish reasons!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Kettlebell Training

Allow me to introduce......... BRUTUS!

BRUTUS is my new kettlebell. And I've called him BRUTUS because he can be totally BRUTAL to work with!

As much as I love the Body Weight workouts I've been doing (and the results I've been seeing) I've always wanted to try kettlebells. In fact I discovered kettlebells years ago, before they became the trend. But, of course they were hard to buy so I never managed to get hold of one.

BRUTUS is hard work, but FUN! Moves include Double Handed Swings, Single Handed Swings, Alternating Single Hand Swings, Windmills, Turkish Get Ups, Squats, Clean and Snatch, the list goes on.......

Plus I can utilise BRUTUS in a Tabata Style workout which I really like the idea of. I tried this today and am sweating my arse off!

I've never been one to go to the gym. Just the thought of all those sweaty guys checking themselves out in the mirror..... turns my stomach. I like to get in and get out. With "Brutus" I can at least perform my workouts in the comfort of my own lounge room. There's no chance for me to change my mind, I don't need to travel to get to a gym, and I have privacy!

Monday, March 15, 2010


I have recently discovered (or I should say re-discovered) skipping. I loved to skip when I was a kid, it was so much fun!

There really is an art to skipping and I have been practising my little heart out! Initially I couldn't skip any more than 5 reps without tripping over my rope or the rope getting tangled, or even simply running out of breath!

Skipping is a great fitness alternative. It's an awesome cardio activity, it can be done anywhere (a skipping rope is the easiest thing to carry around with you, in your handbag, your luggage etc) And it's also cheap!

Plus being able to do many variations of the skip: double skips, jog on the spot, jumping jacks keeps it from getting boring and mundane.

I've incorporated skipping as a Tabata workout. 20 seconds of skipping, 10 seconds rest, 8 rounds which is a total of 4 minutes. I've also been keeping track of how many skips I do each round and try to improve each session.

In fact I enjoy it so much I've all but given up jogging. Skipping takes far less time and you get the benefits in a shorter period than you would with jogging! Plus you don't have to leave the house. Just be sure to skip on a flat surface, floor boards or concrete are great (be careful of your knees though) Carpet is useless!

One thing you must have though is a reliable skipping rope. One that can be adjusted, one that won't tangle, preferably a ROPE rope like we had as kids (I am yet to find one). If anyone knows where I can purchase an actual ROPE, let me know!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Yummy Recipe, Vegetable Frittata

I've been doing a bit more cooking of late. Mainly because I am very lazy and will basically eat anything that's available when I'm hungry, regardless of whether it's healthy or not. So, I've realised that if I want to continue being healthy, I need to spend a bit of time preparing meals in advance.

I am a shift worker and the temptation to eat chips, lollies and chocolate is an ongoing drama. All of my workmates bring junk food into work. It is so hard to say "NO", but I have to keep thinking that I don't want my arse to expand and take up what's left of my seat!

And I have to say that bringing my own healthy snacks to work has made a huge difference. The days that I have succumbed to my own cravings and eaten junk, I found myself feeling like crap and struggling to get through my 12 hour shift! So I've gotten into the habit of bringing snacks such as:

Almonds mixed with some Dried Cranberries
Cottage Cheese with Rice Cakes
Protein Bar (I have even found a recipe for home-made Protein Bars)

Of course I will have more substantial meals as well. An example is this yummy Vegetable Frittata. It's ao easy to make and reasonably healthy, I think (certainly better than Chips, Burgers, McDonalds etc)


Serves: 4
Preparation Time: 5 minutes, plus 10 minutes cooling time
Cooking: 30 minutes

Olive Oil Spray
500g Frozen or Fresh Stir Fry Vegetables
(I've used a combination of Broccoli, Mushrooms, Carrots, Tomato's, Red Capsicum and more)
6 Eggs (Or a combination of Eggs and Egg Whites)
1/2 Cup of Milk
Salt & Pepper

Preheat Oven to 180C
Spray a 20cm (Base Measurement) Cake Pan with Oil
Line Base and sides with Baking Paper

Heat a little Olive Oil Spray in a Frying Pan and stir fry vegetables until they are soft. Transfer to the Cake Pan.
Whisk eggs and milk in a bowl until combined. Season with Salt and Pepper if desired. Pour over the vegetables. Bake for 25 -30 minutes until set or a light golden colour. Set aside for 10 minutes to coll slightly.

This is lovely served with some salad greens.

This is one of the easiest things to make and very yummy. You can change it up by varying your vegetables.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Oxfam Trailwalker

In April of 2010, I am taking part in Oxfam TRAILWALKER - the worlds greatest team endurance event. Our challenge is to walk a 100 km trail from Wheelers Hill to Wesburn Park (near Warburton) in less than 48 hours. We have also pledged to raise at least $3,000 to help overcome poverty and suffering around the world.

Oxfam TRAILWALKER is all about teamwork. It's a great way for friends or colleagues to bond and develop team spirit. Teams must start together, go through each checkpoint together, and finish together. They also have to train and fundraise together. While it's considered a very challenging event, you don't need to be a marathon runner or a professional athlete to take part. With the right training, mental attitude and a good support crew, just about anyone can do it. The Oxfam TRAILWALKER motto is "Commit, Endure, Achieve."

So, my "training" has been a little slow. I have yet to hike with my entire team. Logistics just aren't working for me. Everyone else on the team has a 9 - 5 Monday to Friday job, I don't. I am a shift worker and the pressure has been high to remain committed. But, believe me, I am committed and have enjoyed my walks whether with another Team member or alone. I have done mainly flat work but when I have done hills, I believe I've done very well; until the pain kicks in!

This past week I completed a 13 km hike, all uphill! Intense and fun at the same time. The company I was with was great and entertaining. Alas, I had a nasty blister on my heel the next day. So I am learning all of the difficulties I am likely to face before the big day!

As part of our team commitment we also fundraise together. So I am looking for sponsorship and would love it if anyone out there would like to sponsor our team! Honestly, no amount is too small!

Please visit our team page at:

Has anyone else out there taken part in the Oxfam TRAILWALK in the past? I would love to hear of your experiences.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Tabata Workouts

Tabata Protocol Workouts are awesome if you are short on time and want a fast fat blasting workout! Basically it's four minutes of pain for plenty of gain! It entails 20 seconds of high intensity training followed by 10 seconds rest, for a total of 4 minutes. (That's a total of 8 rounds). But, Tabata won't work for you if you don't put in maximum effort!

I've been utilising Tabata Body Weight Training for a few weeks now, and have seen some changes. They say that just 4 minutes of high intensity training will have your metabolism working overtime for hours! Of course, if you want to see real results, you also need to watch your diet.

The idea is to get your whole body involved, or at least the major muscle groups. But WARNING....... Tabatas are not for the weak hearted or the unconditioned. Beginners should start out slowly. I started with skipping rope, 20 seconds hard, 10 seconds rest and continued for a total of 4 minutes (that's 8 rounds) It's hard work, but skipping rope is a great Tabata workout! Very intense.

I've been using the Gymboss Interval Timer for my workouts. Easy to set and forget!

From there I progressed to full Push Ups, Squats, Burpees, Mountain Climbers, Lunges, etc. None of which were done with weights, only my own body weight. I tend to do Tabata two to three times a week, 4 - 5 different exercises, a total of 16 - 20 minutes workout! And yeah, I've noticed some changes. All I need to do now is watch my diet and it will all fall into place. It's a great aerobic and anaerobic workout.

Sadly, diet will always be an obstacle for me. I love my food far too much!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Ditching The Scales

I saw this video today and it cracked me up! This guy has hit the nail right on the head though. I've never really been one to weigh myself every day. I don't think it's a real indication of how fit and healthy we are. I have ALWAYS judged my weight by how my clothes fit.

If my jeans are too tight, or I'm showing that "muffin top", clearly I'm not at my fittest or healthiest. If my T-shirt shows nice toned arms, then I believe I have a little muscle tone.

One thing everyone needs to realise; muscle weighs MORE than fat! So if you're working out, and jumping on the scales and notice the scales aren't moving, that's not a bad thing! Maybe you ARE adding muscle!

Clean Eating

I am just like you, I love my food, I HATE the idea of giving up my favourite treats. But I've come to realise that I simply can't continue to eat the crap I have been eating in recent years, without it catching up with me in some form.

I have become more concerned about Diabetes, Cholesterol, Weight Gain (until recently this was a major concern). So I decided it was time to change a few things within my diet.

I'm a shift worker so learning what to eat and when has been a challenge. But I feel as though I have finally made some headway. I've decided to make a conscious effort to eat food straight from the ground or the tree or the animal. I've cut back on processed "foods" and packaged "foods" and am beginning to learn how to cook and prepare meals from scratch.

Believe me, it's been a challenge. I've never been much of a cook. Mainly because I found no satisfaction or enjoyment cooking just for me and having so many left overs in the fridge. I despise eating the same thing for days on end. But, soon I will be moving in with my fella and the cooking of healthy, nutritious and tasty meals is high on my list of priorities. We don't lead the healthiest lifestyle when we are together and that is something I hope will change! (Sorry hun!)

In my current location I have access to some wonderful grocery stores. You know, the little independently owned stores that used to be everywhere before the major Supermarkets took over?! I love shopping in these stores. The food seems fresher, tastes better and was probably grown nearby, NOT miles away...... And I'm sure it hasn't been kept in storage for months on end before hitting the shelves.

Have you noticed? The fruit and veges in the Supermarkets look great, but have very little taste? No wonder people have come to depend on pre packaged foods. Besides the fact, people are so busy these days, that they rarely have time to spend preparing and cooking meals from scratch. I am one of those people, but I hope that I can find the time to prepare healthy, nutritious meals. I certainly plan to try!

So the plan is to find good, tasty and nutritious recipes to play with. Wish me luck!

This doesn't mean that I'm giving up my chocolate for good. Oh no! I will still enjoy my chocolate, but in moderation! (But I might have to hide it from my boyfriend)

Monday, February 8, 2010

Chin-Up Challenge

So, I've set myself a challenge. Do complete 5 x true to form Chin-Ups in 8 weeks (at a minimum, more if possible)

Chin-ups are something I have failed to achieve since I was a child. I have tried many times and failed, but I'm determined to succeed this time.

Chin-ups are so damn hard. I've been going to the local playground and practising on the monkey bars (unsuccessfully). Today I tried a different approach. Instead of trying to pull myself up, I'm starting at the top of the move and lowering myself down as slowly as possible. Damn, I felt the burn, but I feel like I've achieved something.

When I was lifting weights in the gym, Bicep Curls were achievable, but again using your own body weight is so much harder yet much more satisfying.

Chin-ups use so much more than your Biceps to lift your body weight, I can feel my shoulder, lats and stomach muscles all working in unison. A much better workout than boring Bicep Curls!

So, in 8 weeks time I WILL be able to perform real chin-ups.......Who wants to join me on this challenge?

Body Weight Workouts

I've recently discovered Body Weight Workouts. These workouts are great fun, can be done in the comfort of your own home, with little or no equipment.

I know what your thinking, "Nobody can build muscle without doing weight training". NOT TRUE. I've surprised even myself with these workouts. I've incorporated Body Weight Workouts into most of my days and have noticed a huge change in my physique.

What surprised me is that even though I could lift more than my own body weight in a gym using the weights machines etc, I could barely lift my own body weight doing push-ups, chin-ups etc.

After weeks of practice I can now do any number of push-ups (man style) and have noticed some serious definition in my arms and shoulders! I'm still working on chin-ups though!

I've discovered a Video Blog which I started following a few weeks ago. The woman doing the workouts is ripped! All of her muscles are REAL! She has been a true inspiration for me. For once, I'm not bored with working out!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

My Health & Fitness Journey

Today as I was out jogging (in 34 Degree heat, mind you) it gave me some inspiration for this Blog. I have always been conscious of my health, tried to keep up my fitness when confronted with numerous obstacles, but in recent times I've found it to be a real challenge. I've been plagued with injury and illness off and on for the last few years, enough for me to "give up" and stop taking care of myself, when taking care of myself should be priority!

I recently took up a 12 week challenge. I wasn't interested in completing in those ridiculous competitions, I'm not one to advertise. I mean, I sure don't want to look like those women who compete, women who need to get boob jobs and have their hair and nails done to look feminine!

I'm more interested in being healthy for my own personal reasons. Members of my family have health issues, which I want to avoid. I want to be strong, and not suffer from the effects of colds, flu and exhaustion. I don't want to suffer from Diabetes, High Cholesterol, Heart Attack, I mean, it's time I faced the truth. I'm no longer a spring chicken! I'm also a shift worker, so all of this is extremely challenging!

So this Blog is dedicated to my Health & Fitness Journey. But it will be a little different as I am no gym tragic (I HATE the gym). It will be more about what I can do without paying for a gym membership or personal trainer. I will be training myself, getting inspiration from a variety of places!

I hope you will enjoy (or suffer as the case may be) this journey with me I!