Thursday, October 28, 2010

Staying Positive When The Going Gets Tough......

It seems that this past 2 years have been a challenging and depressing time for me, both health and fitness wise. If I'm not ill, I'm injured. I'll go a few weeks and start gaining fitness only for another obstacle to jump up in my field of vision! As a result, I've gained weight and feel terrible :(

So how do I continue when I have to put up with these obstacles? With great difficulty, let me tell you. Finding a goal and sticking with it is particularly hard during these times. I always start off so well, Gung Ho, enjoying every moment then BAM! I'm back at square one. I often think "I'm not getting any younger" (42 years of wear and tear thank you very much) but then I think "That's just a BULLSHIT excuse!" I might have a bit of a sook (and I often do, I'm a very emotional person) But I tend to pick myself up and find another way around that nasty obstacle!

Maybe I can't go to the gym because of an injured back, maybe I can't run because I have sore knees, maybe I can't do those pushups because of a previous wrist injury. Whatever... I will always find ways to improvise.

I had plans to take part in the Eureka Stair Climb this year, sadly with my sore back that's not likely. Instead I have decided to volunteer on the day. It's not something I've ever done before, I'm usually that person who is taking part. So this will be the first time I've actually volunteered at an event and I am really looking forward to it! I figure if I enjoy it I'll do more of it (only if I'm not able to take part of course!)

One thing I do have to look forward to is moving house. Not the moving part of course. My fella and I will be moving into a bigger apartment in the same building. (No removalists, up and down the lift, so much easier) The new apartment has a massive terrace. I'm already planning how to use the space. Besides building a small herb and vege garden, I plan to utilise the space for jumping rope, short sprints, etc. As well as enjoying being outdoors and getting more air time than I do in our current apartment.

I'm also trying to convince him that we NEED a BBQ!


  1. you can only move forward from your injuries,this in turn has made you a much stronger person, good luck with it all xx

  2. Thanks, I am still looking at ways to keep fit. It will make me stronger as it means I will have to improvise! :)
