Sunday, December 2, 2012

Great Health & Fitness Christmas Gifts

It's that time of year again and time to think about gifts for your friends and family members.

If you are looking for health and fitness for gifts this Christmas, some of the following might be just what you are after.


I saw this on the Lorna Jane website and went into one of the stores to take a look. This Diary is great! It offers little hints in relation to health and fitness and has a page per day for the entire year! If you have trouble staying organised, I would recommend this Diary for sure.  I even thought about buying one for myself! :)


The Gymboss Interval Timer is one of the best things I have ever bought. It's perfect for all kinds of Interval Training. I use it for Tabata Training on a regular basis (usually incorporating my speed rope). I also use it when running (it beeps at me when I need to rest and beeps again when I need a reminder to move my ass!)

It can also be used as a Stopwatch and Countdown Timer. It's great for Crossfit WOD's, HIIT and more. It's small, and can be well secured to your waistband. It only needs one AAA Battery. I've had mine for a couple of years and the battery life is incredible!

Oh, and it comes in a range of cool colours. Of course, mine is Hot Pink :)



Ok, this is not your every day Pedometer, this is the Fitbit One Wireless Activity & Sleep Tracker. It tracks calories burned, steps taken and distance walked or run! It also tracks your sleep cycle!

You can sync all of the data to your computer where you will receive an insight into your health and habits. Cool huh? I'd be interested to see how well (or badly) I sleep each night. As a shift worker, it might be incredibly insightful :)

Fitbit shows you graphs, tools and charts which provide you with information to help understand your health and fitness. OMG! The more I read about this, the more I want one! I love cute techy stuff :)


This Book is very informative. So many people these days suffer from food allergies in one way or another. This book assists you with learning what types of foods are bothering you and helps you to relieve those symptoms. I followed their principles religiously for over three weeks with amazing results.

I'd been suffering from digestive issues for some time. It helped me to establish what was causing these problems. As a result, I have a much better idea of the foods I should be eating and the foods I should be avoiding.

Note, this is NOT a diet book! It encourages you to eat REAL food, not the stuff that is made to LOOK like food, ie packaged, processed crap!


I don't know about you, but I LOVE watching Jamie Oliver's show on TV. I have his 30 Minute Meals Book, it's pretty awesome. And I do like to cook (I like to eat even more). Jamie's 15 Minute Meals would be a great addition to anyone's cookbook collection.


I so want to try these, they look kinda embarrassing, but everyone I've spoken to swears that they are so comfortable to wear......

OMG! Are these the coolest Kettlebells ever? I own one Kettlebell but I so WANT one of these. Nasty in a Artsy way. Love it!

So these are my recommendations for Christmas. Ok, let's be honest here, this is MY Christmas Wish List, all except the Gymboss Timer and "It Starts With Food", I already have both.


Monday, November 19, 2012

Burpees - An exercise I Love to Hate

What is it about Burpees that makes most active people break out into a cold sweat? Burpees are one of the best fat burners out there! So why do we avoid them like the plague?

Burpees are a popular exercise within the Crossfit Community (of which I will totally advocate)  and also with Elite Military Forces for obvious reasons! Burpees can be performed anywhere; in your lounge room, bedroom, hotel room, on the balcony, in the bathroom..... no excuses!

Burpees are the ultimate full body exercise!  When performed correctly, they burn fat, increase your heart rate, increase your strength and conditioning, and most of all, they are FREE - No equipment required! Your own body weight is all you need. But, beware, they are HARD!


Squat down and place your hands on the floor beside your feet.

Using a powerful Hip Extension, thrust your feet back into a full plank position

Drop down so that your chest and hips both touch the floor (Crossfit Burpee). Or you can do a regular pushup. You can omit the pushup if you are a raw beginner.

Jump your feet forward so you are in the squat position again.

Jump up vertically as high as you can. Give a loud clap at the top, arms fully extended. Also known as giving yourself a much deserved round of applause.

This is just ONE rep! Continue performing reps as fast as possible without sacrificing form. Aim for 12 - 15 reps per 30 seconds.

I promise you, regular Burpee workouts will provide you with immediate positive results. I've currently set myself a challenge of performing 100 x Burpees per day. I WILL increase this as I increase my fitness!

To monitor your results, you can time your reps, e.g. how long to perform 100 x Burpees or count how many Burpees you can perform in 30 seconds etc. Keep a record and check your progress.


How fast can you perform 100 x Burpees? Keep a record. Can you improve on your last time?

How many Burpees can you perform in 30 seconds? Again, keep a record.

Start with 10 x reps, followed by 9 x reps etc until you reach 1 x rep. Record how long this took you. Try and improve.

Burpees were named as such by an American Physiologist Royal Huddleston Burpee, he earned a PHD in Applied Physiology at Columbia University in 1940 and created the "Burpee" exercise as part of his PHD thesis as a quick and simple way to assess fitness.

Personally, I think the guy was MAD!


Monday, September 24, 2012

My Home Gym - Updated!

My Home Gym is always changing. As a shift worker, I find it increasingly difficult to commit to regular classes/sessions at a gym etc. Working out at home is easier and convenient. At least it means I have no excuse for NOT working out!

- Kettlebell - I've had "Brutus" for a few months now and really enjoy my workouts with him! Brutus is 8 kg which is a decent weight for beginners/intermediates. Suitable for swings, shoulder presses, snatches etc. But I will need to upgrade to a heavier one soon.

- Tennis Ball. A great tool for loosening up my Piriformis Muscle which is an ongoing problem for me. Rolling around on the tennis ball on the floor is incredibly painful sometimes but releases the knots in my Gluteals.

- Sandbag. I am loving my sandbag, especially if I can't make it to the gym for weight training. This is ideal for those home workouts. Fill with sand, kitty litter or gravel for a great full body workout. Suitable for squats, lunges etc. My plan is to tuck the empty bag into my backpack, jump on my bicycle, ride to the beach and fill my sandbag for a workout on the beach. Bring on the sunny weather!

- Foam Roller. Wow, I love my foam roller. It is an amazing tool for a warm up, a cool down and anything in between. It gets into all of the muscles and can hurt like hell! But I still swear by it for recovery. It's one of the best tools I have ever discovered!

- Medicine Ball. Awesome for planks, push ups and throwing against a wall. A Medicine Ball can do wonders for your core.

- Skipping Rope. I LOVE my skipping rope even more so now that I have a massive terrace to work out on. I love being outside in the sun and jumping my way to health! I'm quite proficient now at Double Unders! (passing the rope beneath your feet twice between ground contact).

- Fit Ball. I had a Fit Ball in the past but haven't had one for a while. I recently won one in a competition and can't wait to make use of it!
- Chin Up Bar. I recently bought my second chin up bar and have it set up in the doorway of the spare bedroom. I still have a LOT of work to do to be able to perform true chin ups let along pull ups, but at least I now have a chance to practice!

- Power Bands. One of the best items that can be packed away for travel. I use mine to assist with pull ups. Since injuring my collar bone and shoulder in a biking accident, these guys are helping me to increase my upper body strength. 

-Yoga Mat. Vital for my Yoga practice and stretches. I also love my mat for head-stand practice (I have a sensitive scull!)

There are still some items I would love to add to my home gym, a Box so I can perform Box Jumps, Elevated Lunges etc among others. I have an awesome outdoor space (a massive terrace which is unusual for a city apartment) that I love making use of in the summer months!

Speaking of which, I so CANNOT WAIT for summer! BRING IT ON!!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Tough Mudder 2012

OMG! I cannot believe it's almost April and I haven't posted in ages! Well, here's my news!

I am taking part in Tough Mudder (Melbourne) on Saturday, four days from now. I managed to blackmail, beg, brainwash ....... some guys I work with to join my "Team"! TOUGH MUDDY VIRGINS! We were a team of seven, now six, as one guy had to go Overseas for work!

Our first training session was "interesting". I took the guys through a Bootcamp style workout followed by a jog of the Tan, they were keen but made every excuse under the sun for future sessions, so I left them to take care of there own training! Did I push too hard? Probably!

Me? I took part in an introductory Crossfit session, and fell in love with this way of training. I am easily bored and Crossfit gives me a bunch of variety. I've been wanting to learn more about power lifting etc for ages!

As for my running? A disaster. My knees hurt so much. I attempted the C25K for about 4 weeks and found my knees were not recovering in time for my next session. So walking was the way to go for me.

So how will I survive Tough Mudder? I might not. But, you know what, I'll be happy to say:

 I've had a go, I did my best, I had some fun...... and see where I end up at the end of the day.

Wish me (and my team) lots of luck

Oh and if anyone wants to come to Phillip Island on Saturday to support the TOUGH MUDDY VIRGINS, spectators can sign up online for $15 or $40 on the day. Bands, food and drinks available!

More info available here: