It would be so easy to blame someone else for all the chocolate and booze I've consumed recently (yes, Sparkles, I blame you!) But ultimately I have no one but myself to blame!
I am struggling with a lack of self control. If I lived alone, I would probably be more accountable, I would have no one to blame. But I now live with my fella, and I find myself in a predicament. I love chocolate, Sparkles loves chocolate, I love to have a drink, as does Sparkles.
I know that eating too much junk, drinking too much and not excercising enough is always going to be my downfall. I am the sort of person that can go days without any exercise but suddenly, I will lose it and get the grumps. And I know I need to go for a run or punch something really hard! Why can't I get into the exercise habit? It will be so much harder now that Winter is nipping at my heels, I HATE the cold and would rather rug up in front of the computer or TV with a Chicken Pie followed by Scones with Jam and Cream for Dessert. Accompanied of course by a Hot Chocolate with Whipped Cream (and perhaps a bit of a Frangelico hot tottie! It is Winter you know, need to keep the bugs at bay :))
Woops, I seem to have lost my train of thought!
Oh yeah, I am well aware that when I have too much "bad" stuff (sugar, fat, takeout, alcohol) I feel like crap. I am less inclined to workout and will start eating crap at work. When I sit for 12 hours on my arse, that is something I cannot afford to do! Arse expansion is not on my list of to do's this year!
Today was exceptionally bad. Cold, rainy. I had to go out in thongs! (Still recovering from blisters) My toes froze! So of course, upon our return from Costco we had Ravioli Carbonara (two serves I might add) followed by too much chocolate. This, of course was washed down with some vodka! Sparkles was in bed by 7pm (To his defence, he does need to be up for work at 5am ish) Me? I am still swigging on my Mojito as I write this. I need to finish my supply of booze so I can start with a clean slate!!!
So, the first of the month is my start date. I WILL GET FIT AND HEALTHY..... besides, I will have no more excuses by then. My blisters should have well and truly healed. I should be able to put on those trainers and go for a run without drawing blood!
Sparkles? Can I depend on you for some support? Do you need to buy that filing cabinet to hide the junk food from me? Just be sure to place a strong padlock on it!
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