It would be so easy to blame someone else for all the chocolate and booze I've consumed recently (yes, Sparkles, I blame you!) But ultimately I have no one but myself to blame!
I am struggling with a lack of self control. If I lived alone, I would probably be more accountable, I would have no one to blame. But I now live with my fella, and I find myself in a predicament. I love chocolate, Sparkles loves chocolate, I love to have a drink, as does Sparkles.
I know that eating too much junk, drinking too much and not excercising enough is always going to be my downfall. I am the sort of person that can go days without any exercise but suddenly, I will lose it and get the grumps. And I know I need to go for a run or punch something really hard! Why can't I get into the exercise habit? It will be so much harder now that Winter is nipping at my heels, I HATE the cold and would rather rug up in front of the computer or TV with a Chicken Pie followed by Scones with Jam and Cream for Dessert. Accompanied of course by a Hot Chocolate with Whipped Cream (and perhaps a bit of a Frangelico hot tottie! It is Winter you know, need to keep the bugs at bay :))
Woops, I seem to have lost my train of thought!
Oh yeah, I am well aware that when I have too much "bad" stuff (sugar, fat, takeout, alcohol) I feel like crap. I am less inclined to workout and will start eating crap at work. When I sit for 12 hours on my arse, that is something I cannot afford to do! Arse expansion is not on my list of to do's this year!
Today was exceptionally bad. Cold, rainy. I had to go out in thongs! (Still recovering from blisters) My toes froze! So of course, upon our return from Costco we had Ravioli Carbonara (two serves I might add) followed by too much chocolate. This, of course was washed down with some vodka! Sparkles was in bed by 7pm (To his defence, he does need to be up for work at 5am ish) Me? I am still swigging on my Mojito as I write this. I need to finish my supply of booze so I can start with a clean slate!!!
So, the first of the month is my start date. I WILL GET FIT AND HEALTHY..... besides, I will have no more excuses by then. My blisters should have well and truly healed. I should be able to put on those trainers and go for a run without drawing blood!
Sparkles? Can I depend on you for some support? Do you need to buy that filing cabinet to hide the junk food from me? Just be sure to place a strong padlock on it!
Not everyone has the time or the finances to join a gym or hire a personal trainer. I am one such person, so I have challenged myself to find ways to stay fit and healthy without breaking the bank!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Oxfam Trailwalker

So I finally took part in the Oxfam Trailwalker 100km. Sadly, I failed to complete it!
I started out great, full of confidence, felt fit and well. My "Team" leader seemed to just want to go super fast, and I had no trouble keeping up initially. Until 12.5km in. Then the fatigue set in. Honestly, I think if we hadn't started out so fast, I might have had more success.
Our first checkpoint was at Churchill National Park. As we were approaching, all I could think of was a coffee, a stretch, putting on some sunscreen then moving on. I was not expecting to be met at the gate by our "Team" leader ushering us through the checkpoint and insisting on continuing without a break. NOT HAPPY!
So we continued onto the next checkpoint, Lysterfield Lake, where I knew we would have to stop for lunch. Yes, I was a bit slower but still felt I made it in a comfortable time. In fact we had done each leg in a faster time than we had estimated. I should have had a massage at Lysterfield Lake, I was starting to seize up a little, and I'm sure it was from the super fast start! Plus, as I hadn't taped my feet, I had the beginnings of a blister. So I took care of that, had lunch and a stretch and was raring to go!
As we left the checkpoint (21.5km down) I felt that the blister was rubbing something terrible. I had to slow down. Sadly the rest of my "Team" took off and left me, without even a glance back to see what was wrong. I was left walking the next leg (13.3km) completely alone. This is where I realised how important TEAM WORK is! A little support, some encouragement, all of that should be contributed by your "Team".
Numerous other teams passed me, all walking together as a "Team", even if they had injuries or illness. These teams stayed with their slowest walker, didn't desert them at their time of need!
Thankfully one group stopped to help me out and patch me up. Thank you so much Team 34, you are legends! Without your help I would have bailed in the middle of that leg.
I finally shuffled into our next checkpoint, Grants Picnic Ground, in absolute agony! I was more pissed off for being deserted. Yes, I was in pain but I was ready with a tirade of abuse which I kept to myself. I made that next checkpoint within our estimated time though. The rest of my "Team" had been there for more than an hour. I tried calling them, texting them and received no reply. So lack of communication was another thing that my "Team" failed in!
Needless to say, due to the pain, the lack of encouragement and lack of support, I retired after 35km. I am bitterly disappointed that I couldn't continue. I am even more disappointed with the efforts of my "Team" to work together as one!
I would like to attempt the Trailwalk again next year, but I will be better prepared and have a team that consists of people all looking for the same end result! People who are happy to walk together and help each other out! Not people who are taking part for their own selfish reasons!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Kettlebell Training

Allow me to introduce......... BRUTUS!
BRUTUS is my new kettlebell. And I've called him BRUTUS because he can be totally BRUTAL to work with!
As much as I love the Body Weight workouts I've been doing (and the results I've been seeing) I've always wanted to try kettlebells. In fact I discovered kettlebells years ago, before they became the trend. But, of course they were hard to buy so I never managed to get hold of one.
BRUTUS is hard work, but FUN! Moves include Double Handed Swings, Single Handed Swings, Alternating Single Hand Swings, Windmills, Turkish Get Ups, Squats, Clean and Snatch, the list goes on.......
Plus I can utilise BRUTUS in a Tabata Style workout which I really like the idea of. I tried this today and am sweating my arse off!
I've never been one to go to the gym. Just the thought of all those sweaty guys checking themselves out in the mirror..... turns my stomach. I like to get in and get out. With "Brutus" I can at least perform my workouts in the comfort of my own lounge room. There's no chance for me to change my mind, I don't need to travel to get to a gym, and I have privacy!
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