I have recently discovered (or I should say re-discovered) skipping. I loved to skip when I was a kid, it was so much fun!
There really is an art to skipping and I have been practising my little heart out! Initially I couldn't skip any more than 5 reps without tripping over my rope or the rope getting tangled, or even simply running out of breath!
Skipping is a great fitness alternative. It's an awesome cardio activity, it can be done anywhere (a skipping rope is the easiest thing to carry around with you, in your handbag, your luggage etc) And it's also cheap!
Plus being able to do many variations of the skip: double skips, jog on the spot, jumping jacks keeps it from getting boring and mundane.
I've incorporated skipping as a Tabata workout. 20 seconds of skipping, 10 seconds rest, 8 rounds which is a total of 4 minutes. I've also been keeping track of how many skips I do each round and try to improve each session.
In fact I enjoy it so much I've all but given up jogging. Skipping takes far less time and you get the benefits in a shorter period than you would with jogging! Plus you don't have to leave the house. Just be sure to skip on a flat surface, floor boards or concrete are great (be careful of your knees though) Carpet is useless!
One thing you must have though is a reliable skipping rope. One that can be adjusted, one that won't tangle, preferably a ROPE rope like we had as kids (I am yet to find one). If anyone knows where I can purchase an actual ROPE, let me know!
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