Monday, February 8, 2010

Chin-Up Challenge

So, I've set myself a challenge. Do complete 5 x true to form Chin-Ups in 8 weeks (at a minimum, more if possible)

Chin-ups are something I have failed to achieve since I was a child. I have tried many times and failed, but I'm determined to succeed this time.

Chin-ups are so damn hard. I've been going to the local playground and practising on the monkey bars (unsuccessfully). Today I tried a different approach. Instead of trying to pull myself up, I'm starting at the top of the move and lowering myself down as slowly as possible. Damn, I felt the burn, but I feel like I've achieved something.

When I was lifting weights in the gym, Bicep Curls were achievable, but again using your own body weight is so much harder yet much more satisfying.

Chin-ups use so much more than your Biceps to lift your body weight, I can feel my shoulder, lats and stomach muscles all working in unison. A much better workout than boring Bicep Curls!

So, in 8 weeks time I WILL be able to perform real chin-ups.......Who wants to join me on this challenge?


  1. Hello Bodyrock mate !
    With the Oxfam trrailwalker behind you you will have time to update this challenge.

    I exactly am in the same situation as you. Never able to achieve even one :( too bad.

    But the thing is by working regulary and consistantly we can reach it, Right ?

    I believe in my own case, I often get attracted by other matters so I usually forget What I have said to Myself before.
    Beside with our active lives and busy schedule we have difficulties to stay Consistant and it often has a price : We get stuck doing a lot of things superficially but nothing really in depth.
    One consequence for me is: I never was consistant enought to complete a 4 weeks programm that would definitely allow me to reach my goal - do 5 chin ups -.
    Why do I always have to find excuses and reason not to do things ?
    I hope you have managed to reach your goal.
    If not I would like to be your Chin Up Buddy.
    As you said Team work if already half work done and guaranty that you won't let it go because you have people that depends on you !(I won't let You down promise).
    PS: I am glad too for having my inspiration: Zuzana :) And glad i found your blog :D

    Have a good day

  2. Hey Flower,

    Sadly this challenge fell by the wayside. I had so many interuptions (such as moving house etc) that this was a big FAIL! I was doing so well, I lived near a childrens playground and got to 2 full chin ups without help. And I can tell you, that was as hard as hell.

    I moved house so bought a chin up bar that I could install in a door frame. Sadly, it was damaging the door frame so I had to take it down.

    Needless to say, I will have to begin this challenge again from scratch soon. I will post a new blog when I do. Keep in touch and we can motivate each other! is a great site. Zuzana and Frederick have done amazng things for my motivation!

    I would love to have you as my "Chin Up Buddy"!


  3. I'm in :)
    I must admit you are really good already able to complete 2 full chin up: CONGRATULATIONS.

    Since the last post i got a small surgery in my lower back. I had to wait for my skin to grow back. After removing stiches I couldn't wait and did some training. I regret it as I went a second time to ER to get stitches again.
    A good lesson for the future ^^ : If your body is not in full condition, Just skip your workout but keep moving until you get back to your assets ;)
    Now all is bright. I am starting to run again this week for preparing August half Marathon. And I am starting over again for chin up. Also my gymboss is coming in the mail this week :D
    Bye bye Chin Up Buddy. I will update you as as I'm going to beat your ass : more than 2 chin up I can do! YAY.
