In April of 2010, I am taking part in Oxfam TRAILWALKER - the worlds greatest team endurance event. Our challenge is to walk a 100 km trail from Wheelers Hill to Wesburn Park (near Warburton) in less than 48 hours. We have also pledged to raise at least $3,000 to help overcome poverty and suffering around the world.
Oxfam TRAILWALKER is all about teamwork. It's a great way for friends or colleagues to bond and develop team spirit. Teams must start together, go through each checkpoint together, and finish together. They also have to train and fundraise together. While it's considered a very challenging event, you don't need to be a marathon runner or a professional athlete to take part. With the right training, mental attitude and a good support crew, just about anyone can do it. The Oxfam TRAILWALKER motto is "Commit, Endure, Achieve."
So, my "training" has been a little slow. I have yet to hike with my entire team. Logistics just aren't working for me. Everyone else on the team has a 9 - 5 Monday to Friday job, I don't. I am a shift worker and the pressure has been high to remain committed. But, believe me, I am committed and have enjoyed my walks whether with another Team member or alone. I have done mainly flat work but when I have done hills, I believe I've done very well; until the pain kicks in!
This past week I completed a 13 km hike, all uphill! Intense and fun at the same time. The company I was with was great and entertaining. Alas, I had a nasty blister on my heel the next day. So I am learning all of the difficulties I am likely to face before the big day!
As part of our team commitment we also fundraise together. So I am looking for sponsorship and would love it if anyone out there would like to sponsor our team! Honestly, no amount is too small!
Please visit our team page at:
Has anyone else out there taken part in the Oxfam TRAILWALK in the past? I would love to hear of your experiences.