My eating habits leave a lot to be desired. They were pretty good until I fell ill. During my illness I basically ate anything I could tolerate, and most of the time it was comfort food, not clean eating as I had been doing. Needless to say, the other week whilst being weighed at the Blood Bank I discovered I had put on 5 KILO'S!!! Not happy!
Now I have the problem where I am constantly craving bad foods. My fella and I do like to go out for dinner a couple of times a week, that's our time for us (Date night so to speak) so I try to be somewhat sensible on those days. But the remainder of the week is so hard!
I'm a shift worker, so eating at regular intervals when on night shift is not something I usually think too hard about. I am in the habit of taking healthy meals and snacks to work, but they often get left in the lunch box in favour of all the naughty snacks my workmates bring in! And, let me tell you, at 4 am I am NOT craving healthy foods!
So, what do you do to beat cravings? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
hi, get onto gymema or chromium it will curb those sugar cravings, or another one is fusion green tea. Good Luck