Todays workout was as follows:
100 x Skips
5 x Step Ups with 20kg Weight (Left Leg)
100 x Skips
5 x Step Ups with 20kg Weight (Right Leg)
100 x Skips
5 x Pull Ups (Assisted)
100 x Skips
5 x Pull Ups (Assisted)
100 x Skips
10 x Lunges with Kick Up (Left Leg)
100 x Skips
10 Lunges with Kick Up (Right Leg)
100 x Skips
5 x Chin Ups
100 x Skips
5 x Chin Ups
100 x Skips
10 x Crunches
100 x Skips
Total of 1000 Skips (exhausted)
15 - 20 minutes of Weights/Body Weight routine
This is just an example of my workout routine for seven days straight. I had one day off and today is day two of my second week. Skipping is my cardio and I like to skip between sets to keep my heart rate up. This is also why I don't do heavy weights as I would be too exhausted! Needless to say, the Skipping Rope does slap me hard when I get fatigued!
I've still got a long way to go to rid myself of the ugly belly fat I accumulated when ill.
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