I'm a big water drinker. I don't drink soda's (Coke, Sprite etc) unless it's as a mixer with Vodka (which I probably drink too much of as it is..... call me crazy, but I love to have my vodka on hand at the end of a hard working week). Generally I drink Water, Coffee and Peppermint Tea and that's about it!
But how much water is enough? Some report 2 litres, some say 3 litres. I know that it is possible to drink too much water. Drinking too much water can cause a condition known as Hyponatremia. This is an extremely dangerous condition. Basically, too much water can alter your Salt balances.
If water is accumulated in the body at a higher instance than it can be excreted, Hyponatremia can occur. Generally you will find athletes who consume too much fluids during an event can be affected by this. (ie marathon runners)
Symptoms include nausea, vomiting and headaches. Also fatigue, muscle weakness, cramps and most seriously, coma.
So how much water is too much? The medical field recommends 2 - 2.5 litres per day. I used to drink 3 - 3.5 litres per day until my doctor suggested I ease off! I now aim for 2 - 2.5 litres per day.
And another thing. There is really no need to buy bottled water. Australia has the cleanest water in the world. Fill a reusable bottle straight from the tap! And don't use a plastic bottle you've used in the past. Buy a reusable bottle that can be washed properly with hot water.
I remember as a kid, we used to drink water straight from the garden taps! Do people even do that anymore or have we become paranoid of poisoning etc? Personally, I probably wouldn't help myself to a neighbours tap water anymore, I would rather carry my own bottle or look for a drinking fountain. But sometimes it's a necessity when on a long run etc. Nobody wants to carry a bottle of water out on a long run.
Water is also what I reach for before a snack. Often I find when I feel hungry, I am actually thirsty! A glass of the clean stuff can curb the nasty junk food cravings!
So, I say, go the H2O. It has to be better than that other "Crap" out there!