Sunday, August 1, 2010

My Own Home Gym

I've never been a fan of gyms. Not because I am lazy, but because they are full of people.... Call me anti-social, but I like to do my workouts without an audience. I don't like people looking at me and judging me. Sure, if I need some tips about technique I will seek out the help I need.

I am a member of a gym, and I go rarely, but generally when I want to try something new and need some advice. Thankfully my gym membership costs next to nothing and it's within my place of work. It's there if I need it.

I prefer to exercise in the comfort and privacy of my own home. To do this I need some equipment. The items I keep at all times are:

Skipping Rope - difficult to use on carpet though
Kettlebell - 8kg, named Brutus (yes, he can be brutal)
Push Up Handles - I have a dodgy wrist and hands on the floor often hurt
Medicine Ball - Great for crunches
Yoga Mat - I love my yoga and stretches
Gymboss Timer - Great for timing my intervals
Pull Up Bar - Sadly it damaged the door frame so I had to take it down. So I am in the market for a new one.

And you don't need to pay a fortune for any of this equipment. It's cheaper to buy items you will use, than to join a gym you may never go to. Especially considering how expensive a gym membership can be these days. I got a lot of my stuff on eBay.

Working out at home is preferable for me. I don't have to plan it. I can do it RIGHT NOW! As long as you've got the room and the motivation, a home workout is the way to go!


  1. Lynn, thanks for sending your comment. Sorry I haven't posted it. I thought it better not to advertise that.... Needless to say, I did that search and found more. It seems that person is still active in the industry! Very shocked and disappointed :(

    As you will see, I also removed reference to the website in my Blog. Thanks for your info.


  2. hello,

    I saw that Ironman is comming up soon in Australia, doyou have any plan to go ?

    I am considering going to Ironman in Japan next december :)

    I hope this time you are doing well for good :)

    I will check back on you as you have updates.
    Go Go Go !

  3. Hi Flower, no I wasn't aware of the Ironman Comp. How exciting for you to be going to Japan. I've never been, but would love to go some day. Where are you travelling from?

    I am feeling so much better thank you. Am finally getting back into things. I have to say, the lack of exercise has made me very grumpy (and I've put n weight, lost muscle tone etc too!)

    I'm very glad to be back into it!
