I haven't been able to do true chin-ups since I was a kid. A while back I gave myself a challenge to perform perfect chin-ups. At the time I didn't even own a chin-up bar. Going to the nearest playground was my only option and not very convenient.
I now have my second chin-up bar set up in the door way of our spare bedroom. (The first one was damaging the door frame) I purchased one of those over the top of the door frame gadgets. It's easy to set up and easy to remove.
Needless to say I can now do one chin-up! (Yeah, just one at this stage)
So my challenge for the month of July is to be able to perform multiple chin-ups, whether that be five or two, I need to improve past just one rep!
Does anyone have any hints or advice as to how to successfully reach this challenge? Any help is appreciated!