Ok, here I am, willing and raring to go!
It's been weeks since I've done anything physical due to illness. There were times when I thought I was recovering and started working out, only to have a relapse and find myself back in bed feeling very sorry for myself.
This time, I took more time to recover after finishing my medication and I feel so much better for it. The cough is almost gone (I still have the occasional nasty attack) My energy levels are getting up there again, I'm ready to make a start!
I have to say though, that I am a bit scared of having another relapse, but I think if I take it easy to start with, I should be ok. The problem is, I'm not one to take things easy. Sure, I can be lazy at times, but when I set my mind to something, I take it on 200%, which has often been my downfall. Injury and illness usually the main factors.
So today I started. I'm between shifts (tonight on night shift) so had a fair bit of time to kill. I had a good nights sleep and I also knew that being a weekday, there should be no one in the gym down stairs. The gym here is tiny. It has effective equipment but not a lot of room! Any more than one person in there and you are banging elbows!
I didn't really use the equipment, but I did use my skipping rope. The carpet in the apartment makes using a skipping rope next to impossible. So I did a Tabata style workout with skipping between each exercise and I was pretty buggered at the end.
But so far, I'm feeling great, I have more energy and feel better for having done some physical activity. Here's hoping things will continue in the same way......